
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

There are all kinds of activists, below are only a few, or at least the ones who piss me off the most...

First is the actor/singer/celebrity activists. They stare down at us from the 3rd floor window of their mansions and and ponder how they can make the world a better place. They always want to use government money to do this and rarely use much of their own, if any. I don't know how you feel about this, but to me they're a bunch of arrogant assholes who feel they are much more enlightened than we are. They demand to meet with world leaders or speak at the united nations. They just know that with their helpful insight, they can solve all the world's woes. Why do they feel this way? Why, they can effectively read/sing lines someone else wrote and entertain us. I'm sure this in some way qualifies them in whatever cause they're taking on. Here's some advice, get over yourselves. You've lost your grip on reality and you couldn't survive in our world for even an hour. We make our own way, we open our own doors and we pay for our own meals. No one hands anything to us on a silver platter and most of us like it that way. So, sing me a song, do a dance, make me laugh, and shut the fuck up!!!

Second are the college professors and their flocks of sheeple. These are nothing more than old hippies who are still lost in the sixties. They look back on their old lives and miss being, what they consider, relevant. They think they ended the Vietnam war, oblivious to the fact that when the U.S. pulled out of there, it lead to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people. To them there's no war worth fighting. I wonder if they would have felt the same way if they were Jews living in Poland during the 1940's? They latch on to any liberal cause and gather their flocks of narrow minded robots and take to the streets. The cause really doesn't matter, as long as they feel relevant again. Woodstock's over man. Hand up the love beads, take off the peace sign, the bell bottom pants and the tie-dyed tee shirts Join us in the real world. My children need education, not indoctrination.

Now we've gotten to the feminist groups. They hate anything man. To them there's nothing in the world that man has not screwed up. Without man, life would be perfect. Except for the fact that they can't reproduce without us, they'd kill us all. They want equal rights and equal pay. I think you have the rights thing all done, the Constitution guarantees that. As far as equal pay...can you do equal work? If so, git-er-done. We'll meet after the job's done, throw back a few and arm wrestle. If you can't, quit your damn whining. It's not man's fault God made you different. You do have advantages over us men anyway. We never get our meal and drinks paid for when we go out, we can't talk our way out of a ticket and an ugly man always goes home alone (ugly girls just have to wait till the men drink more.)

Finally there are the anarchists. They have no vested interest in what the protest is about. They just want to cause damage. You can find them at any protest/celebration. These people are the ones who take a party and turn it into terror. They wear masks to hide their face and socks in their pants to make up for the size of their small dicks. The second one is seen, the other protesters should kick their ass and send them down the street with their tails between their legs. But no, they instead climb willingly on the bandwagon and join in the fun. To handle these misfits of society, the police should start with rubber bullets, if they haven't gotten the message in two or three minutes (it should be less, but these people are slow) start loading the real ones.


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