
Monday, May 3, 2010

Here's a touchy subject... I was raised in a racist household. My parents used racial words and rants throughout my childhood. I didn't know it was racist. To me it was just the way of the world. We hated black people and black people hated us. White people were hard-working and black people lived off welfare and food stamps. OK. So, I was ignorant. When I joined the Air Force and moved away from home, I saw the world differently. I made friends both black and white. I also made friends with Hispanics, Asians, and Filipinos. I learned that people should be judged by who they are and not what color they are.

I no longer consider myself racist anymore. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was right when he said we should be "judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin." I'm all in with that statement. So why are there so many people out there who keep fanning the flames of racism? Why do some look for racism in every word, look, or gesture that comes along? I'm speaking of Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangle and others who's names escape me right now, or dumb-ass white supremest, who's names I never knew. I can tell you, if you really care to know. It's all about power. These guys only hold on to power if there is racism. It's how they gained their position of power, and fortunes. If racism was gone, they'd be jobless and on the streets. I'm not ignorant and know that racism will never be completely done away with. There are way too many stupid people who will blame anyone but themselves for the situation they're in. I'm talking about everyone too. This isn't limited to just one race.

Here's what I think. Live and let live. Don't act like we haven't had this discussion before. It's been talked to death. Besides, every time it's brought up, assholes (on one side or the other) start dragging up old hurt feelings and we're right back where we started, or farther back than that even. It's time to let it the fuck go.



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