First Amendment, Part Two

Friday, May 7, 2010

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Freedom of speech. It's something we take for granted or abuse every day. The simple meaning of it... We have the right to bitch about our Government without fear of reprisal. I believe that's what the original intent was. Remember, when we pushed for independence from England, people had no right to speak against the powers that be. If you did, you could be called a traitor and done away with in any manner they saw fit.
Now, over the years, and with some useful idiots in the court system, it can mean freedom of expression. Let me re-read the First Amendment again......... Nope, don't see that there. People use the First Amendment as a blanket to cover their ass if they say something offensive, or create a piece of shit art that offends anyone with half a brain. Just look in any art gallery in New York and you can find such jewels as; a crucifix soaked in urine, or a statue of the Virgin Mary with elephant shit smeared on it. But best of all, it was subsidised with our taxpayer money. How the hell can you read the First Amendment and say it covers crap like this?
Some people hide behind the First Amendment when they say outrageous things that are clearly ignorant and false. They think they can insult and offend just because it's their "right." Here's a little something they might have forgotten. "The First Amendment protects you from the Government, it doesn't protect you from me." I might just accept the consequences of my actions and give you a good-ole-fashion ass whoopin'. I think the world might be a better place if a few more ass whoopin's were given out.



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