
Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm forty five. I don't need a mommy anymore. But that's just what the Government is trying to become to all of us. It is treating us all like children. I can still remember the good old days when you were responsible for yourself. If you got hurt because of your own stupidity, so be it. This was actually helpful to the world as a whole because those who didn't have enough common sense, or the brains "God give a goose," would put themselves out of their misery. Not with our nanny government though. It's getting to the point now that the idiots are surviving long enough to breed and polluting the overall gene pool. We've now gotten to the second or third generation of idiots just because government has protected them for far too long. How else can you explain TV shows like Jackass and Jersey Shore?
Through the years, I've watched it all evolve. For instance, I don't think anyone here would argue that seat belts are a good idea. I, for one, wouldn't pull out of my driveway without wearing one. But shouldn't it be our choice? I know, I know, it's for your own safety and the safety of our kids. I don't have a problem with the kid part. They are too young to understand the danger. But me, an adult? I should have the option without fear of Joe Law giving me a ticket. The same goes for helmet laws for motorcycles. Either wear one, or accept the consequences. It's no body's fault but your own if you slam into a telephone pole and squash your melon. You're an adult, you take responsibility. Or the law that requires you to buy car insurance. It's a smart thing to do, but why do we need a law?
So why does the Government feel the need to pass laws that should just be common sense? Besides collecting a butt-load of money giving citations. As strapped for cash as most federal, state and local governments are, that is a strong possibility. But more often than not I think it all has to do with control. These elitist really believe they have to protect us from ourselves. They know better than we do. They are enlightened. I cry Bullshit!
It all starts so innocently. "We're doing it for the kids." That is the main argument they start with. But I see a more sinister side to it. They're saying to us, "we know best." Then we fall right in line, nodding our heads in approval. Depending on them to take care of us. This is a responsibility they are more than willing to accept. Just remember, the more power you give to the government, the less control you have over yourself. Eventually they will have absolute power, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.



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