Talkin' 'bout My Generation...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I've often heard that today's generation is going to "hell in a handbasket." I look at my own two kids and I cry bullshit! You can't judge today's kids by the standards we grew up with. It's a different world than I grew up in. My childhood was different than the one my parents grew up in. The same goes for their parents and so on, and so on.
I know we used to head out doors after breakfast and stay gone till the street lights came on, but they didn't have that luxary. By the time they got old enough to do such a thing, we were afraid of child kidnappers and perverts and kept them close to us. Are there really more perverts and child molesters in the world today, or do we just hear more about it thanks to the 24 hour news programs that we have access to? I'm not sure of the answer, but I do know we are more afraid of it than our parents were.
Today's kids don't have any respect or manners. I don't know about anyone elses, but mine do. I taught them. They're respectful to elderly, open doors for ladies and don't go out of their way looking for trouble. These are learned behaviors. That means you have to teach it to them. Spoiled, selfish parents make spoiled, selfish kids. The "me generation" had made "me" children who could care less about anyone but themselves.
Look at today's TV shows. To most of us, it's full of viloence and sex. There are more of both, but it's not our kids asking for it. It's us allowing it to happen. I remember the shock that was caused when The Brady Bunch showed the mother and father sleeping in the same bed, or when Capt Kirk kissed a black woman, or even when Archie Bunker told Edith to "shut the HELL up." My grandparents were sure we were going "to hell in a handbasket" back then.
The music of today is a far cry from the music I listened to. I can remember my parents wondering why we'd want to listen to such trash. My music, after the age of twelve, was KISS, Def Lepard and Van Halen. My parents hated it, but their parents didn't understand and hated Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis and Bettles. I hear it's all about the bad lyrics in today's music, but what about Conway Twitty singing, how he wants to "Lay you down," or how he "knew you've never been this far before." You can't deny the sexual overtones to those two songs. But I guess because it was wrapped in a "country music" package, it was OK.
My old pastor had a saying. He said "The sin that once slunk down back alleys now struts down main street." I can't think of a truer saying. Over the years we've allowed this to happen. If you don't like what's out there say something. Silence is your approval.



America The Hated?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sometimes it seems the whole world hates America. Definitely 99.8% of Mid-East countries hate us. Except Iraq and Afghanistan since we saved their asses. Most European countries think we're just a bunch of cowboys. All I can say to that is "Thanks and a mighty YeeHaw!" Greece wants to sue U.S. Banks for causing their economic meltdown. I'm sure it had nothing to do with their socialistic system of government. I could go on, but what's the point? You get the picture.

So, what should we do about it? Here's a few ideas...

First I say we should stop all financial aid to any country that criticises us. You don't ask a friend for money, then stab him in the back. That doesn't take away your right to criticize us, but it will make you think before you start saying stupid shit. Not a penny of our tax money should leave our borders until every American man, women and child is sleeping under a roof with a full belly. It's time we started taking care of business at home.

Next, call back our military from every country that bitches about our foreign policies. Leave the buildings empty and bulldoze them to the ground. You don't want us there, we don't want to be there. Don't even think about crying about the next Hitler who comes down the pike. Now that they're back, what would they do? How about putting them on the borders. That's right, borders with an "s." Canada too. You don't get in without clearance. Period. It should be open season, and no limit. I wonder how many terrorists have crawled under the fence along with the other lawbreakers. What do we do about those who have already shit on our immigration laws and visas? Well, we do have all of our military cargo planes home, let's load 'em up.

It's time to bail-out on the United Nations and kick them off our land! Why is it even called that in the first place? What in the hell are they united about anyway, besides their hatred and contempt for their greatest contributor. I can't think of one thing they've resolved since they've formed. All I ever see is corruption and back-biting. Most of the delegates are self-serving little piss ant dictators with over-grown egos. They pad their back pockets with the contributions of their benefactors. They seem to take the side of third-world countries like Venezuelan, Cuba, Iran and any other country that declares the USA is an imperialist country. It's time for the UN to go the way of the League of Nations. The sooner the better.

The United States of America is the greatest and most powerful country this world has ever known. It's not difficult to understand why other countries are jealous of us. Who wouldn't want what we have? We want the rest of the world to have the same freedom we enjoy. We even have the perfect blueprint. It's called the US Constitution and are willing to share it with anyone who asks.



Down South

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I just recently took a trip to Northeast Louisiana and boy did I see some sights. It's been a couple of years since I've journeyed to the real South and it was almost like culture shock. I guess I've spent too long in the big city of Biloxi/Gulfport MS, but damn if things didn't seem a bit strange.
I can't remember this part of the state being that flat. You could see for 20 miles in all directions, if you were standing on the roof your car of course. I can still remember as a kid watching the tornadoes frolicking across the cotton fields. Taking out a lone trailer or two on the way. Mosquitoes were the size of Black Hawk helicopters and there was a lot of pissed off snakes. I had a rule while growing up, it was almost like scripture; "Thou shalt not suffer a snake to live." I would cross the median and two lanes of traffic to run over a snake. I'd usually miss the snake and end up pissing off some fellow drivers, must I think most of them understood.
I saw a sign pronouncing a new sub-division, but all that was there were a couple of 15 - 20 year old trailers (where there are two trailers gathered together, it shall be called a sub-division.)
For years now I've seen signs boasting about a different groups who have adopted the highway. They don't do that in Louisiana, they adopt a road. I know it's the same thing, but it just sounded strange to me. They name their roads funny too. There was one that was named "Cock Road." I don't know about you, but that kinda gets me to thinking. Was this road built for or by roosters, or is named for some lucky farmhand who lived at the end of it? I don't know, I'm just askin'.
Is there a law in Louisiana that every house must have at least one car that doesn't run or on blocks? I keep this little tradition alive at my house still today. Never forget your heritage.
Contrary to popular belief, it's not a requirement for every trailer in Louisiana to have pink flamingos on their front lawn. It's just that white trash have poor taste and love pink flamingos.
My brother took me to a Mexican Restaurant in Lake Providence, and it amazed me that these were the only Hispanic people I saw while I was in NE Louisiana.
Now, I'm not knocking Christians or any one's faith, so don't go grab your pitchforks and torches. OK? But why does a town of 500 people need six churches? If I remember correctly, isn't there just one God? I'd see a line of one-room shotgun houses, some even made of plywood, and right next to them would be a beautiful brick church with stain-glass windows and its' very own fountain in front. The parking lot was paved and the grass was maintained better than the golf course at Augusta. Most of the country is in a recession, but the churches seem to be doing fine.
I saw yards with crosses and signs pronouncing their faith and of all things, I saw a Jesus Flag. You heard me right, a Jesus Flag. It was on a proper flag pole and was even set up with lights to shine on it at night. Boy, the people here sure do love their Jesus. I suppose that flag pole used to have a Dale Earnhardt #3 flag flying there, but since he passed-on, there's no other driver worth braggin' about.




Saturday, May 8, 2010

Before there was this great country called the United States of America, there were settlements on this continent. The first was the Plymouth colony. Founded in 1620, this settlement was what the first Thanksgiving story was based on. We know the rosy picture that was painted and taught to us in grade school. The courageous pilgrims befriending the local savages and coming together with harps playing in the background. But according the the writings of the governor of the colony, William Bradford, things were not so wonderful. 1621 was a famine year (1622 was no better) and many of the colonists were lazy thieves. The first Thanksgiving was not so much a celebration as it was the last meal of condemned men. Why was it this way, and why are our children taught it differently? Here's the answer to the first part of that question...
In the beginning this settlement was a new experiment. This had required that "all profits and benefits that were got by trade, working, fishing or any other means" were to be placed in the common stock of the colony, and that "all such persons as are of this colony, are to have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock." A person was to put into the common stock all he could, and take out only what he needed. How did this work out? Not too well. The young and strong would work their asses off, adding to the common stock, and the weak and lazy would live off of them. It's like having a worthless uncle live with you and do nothing but eat, sleep and watch TV all day. I don't know about you, but that shit wouldn't last too long in my house. Does this sound familiar? It should, it's called socialism and it just plain don't work. This was proven here and in many of the first colonies in this great land. To rectify this situation, in 1623 Bradford abolished socialism. He gave each household a parcel of land and told them they could keep what they produced, or trade it away as they saw fit. In other words, he replaced socialism with a free market, and that was the end of the famine.
Why aren't our children taught this in their classrooms? I don't have an answer for that, but I do have a theory... It seems to me that the last 20 or 30 years, our schools' text books are written by liberals and approved by teacher's unions, who are liberal. Do you think they want the young minds they are teaching to know that socialism failed every time it was tried? Look at the Obama administration. Is it a secret anymore that they want to transform this country into a socialist state? If you doubt me, take for instance some of President Obama's open statements. "We need to spread the wealth." and "Don't you think you've made enough money?" These are not statements of a man who values the free market system. It's true that sometimes capitalism seems cruel to some. Life isn't always fair. But I'd rather live in a country where I knew that if I worked hard I have the opportunity to live the good life, than be stuck in a system where hard work isn't rewarded and most often is punished.
Here's the bottom line. This country was founded with capitalism as its system. It wasn't meant to evolve into socialism or any other form of government. Stop trying to convert us into a system that has failed every time it's been tried. This is the way the majority of Americans want it to stay. Now, you have two options. Join us as a free society, or get the fuck out.




I'm forty five. I don't need a mommy anymore. But that's just what the Government is trying to become to all of us. It is treating us all like children. I can still remember the good old days when you were responsible for yourself. If you got hurt because of your own stupidity, so be it. This was actually helpful to the world as a whole because those who didn't have enough common sense, or the brains "God give a goose," would put themselves out of their misery. Not with our nanny government though. It's getting to the point now that the idiots are surviving long enough to breed and polluting the overall gene pool. We've now gotten to the second or third generation of idiots just because government has protected them for far too long. How else can you explain TV shows like Jackass and Jersey Shore?
Through the years, I've watched it all evolve. For instance, I don't think anyone here would argue that seat belts are a good idea. I, for one, wouldn't pull out of my driveway without wearing one. But shouldn't it be our choice? I know, I know, it's for your own safety and the safety of our kids. I don't have a problem with the kid part. They are too young to understand the danger. But me, an adult? I should have the option without fear of Joe Law giving me a ticket. The same goes for helmet laws for motorcycles. Either wear one, or accept the consequences. It's no body's fault but your own if you slam into a telephone pole and squash your melon. You're an adult, you take responsibility. Or the law that requires you to buy car insurance. It's a smart thing to do, but why do we need a law?
So why does the Government feel the need to pass laws that should just be common sense? Besides collecting a butt-load of money giving citations. As strapped for cash as most federal, state and local governments are, that is a strong possibility. But more often than not I think it all has to do with control. These elitist really believe they have to protect us from ourselves. They know better than we do. They are enlightened. I cry Bullshit!
It all starts so innocently. "We're doing it for the kids." That is the main argument they start with. But I see a more sinister side to it. They're saying to us, "we know best." Then we fall right in line, nodding our heads in approval. Depending on them to take care of us. This is a responsibility they are more than willing to accept. Just remember, the more power you give to the government, the less control you have over yourself. Eventually they will have absolute power, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.



First Amendment, Part Two

Friday, May 7, 2010

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Freedom of speech. It's something we take for granted or abuse every day. The simple meaning of it... We have the right to bitch about our Government without fear of reprisal. I believe that's what the original intent was. Remember, when we pushed for independence from England, people had no right to speak against the powers that be. If you did, you could be called a traitor and done away with in any manner they saw fit.
Now, over the years, and with some useful idiots in the court system, it can mean freedom of expression. Let me re-read the First Amendment again......... Nope, don't see that there. People use the First Amendment as a blanket to cover their ass if they say something offensive, or create a piece of shit art that offends anyone with half a brain. Just look in any art gallery in New York and you can find such jewels as; a crucifix soaked in urine, or a statue of the Virgin Mary with elephant shit smeared on it. But best of all, it was subsidised with our taxpayer money. How the hell can you read the First Amendment and say it covers crap like this?
Some people hide behind the First Amendment when they say outrageous things that are clearly ignorant and false. They think they can insult and offend just because it's their "right." Here's a little something they might have forgotten. "The First Amendment protects you from the Government, it doesn't protect you from me." I might just accept the consequences of my actions and give you a good-ole-fashion ass whoopin'. I think the world might be a better place if a few more ass whoopin's were given out.



First Amendment, Part One

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Ok, where is the statement we hear so much about? You know, the one that says there shall be a "separation of church and state." Don't see it do you? Surprise, it's not there. In my mind, the founding fathers never meant to take God out of our governement or our daily lives. It's nothing more than progressive assholes twisting the words of Thomas Jefferson who in 1802 sent a letter to the Danbury Baptists. In this letter He made clear that the purpose of the First Amendment was to establish a "wall of separation" between Church and State in order to protect individuals' right of conscience.

Again I ask, where does either of these two documents say that children are banned from praying in school, or that the school sports team can't say a prayer before the game, or even that the graduating class can't thank God before the comencement ceremony? The simple answer... it doesn't. It also doesn't say that a city can't display a Nativity Scene on the town green, or that the Country can't observe a "National Day of Prayer". I could go on forever giving instances where over sensitive idiots try to abolish God from our lives. But I think you get the picture.

It is my belief that our Founding Fathers simply didn't want the Government to dictate to the people what religion they must follow, if any. Remember, that was the shit we just got out of in England. Now it seem that some people will stop at nothing to remove God from every aspect of not only the Government, but people's lives. It seems they can't stand the fact that this Country was founded on Christian principles. They are a very small minority, and we should be able to shoo them away like a fly. However, they've gained the support of a very powerful organization called the ACLU. Now these people, with the help of their new friends, are using the court system to conduct their war against God. Why? I'm not sure, but I have a theory.

Try this on for size... Here is a group of people who are pissed off that God gave them a conscience. They don't want to have to deal with the guilt of their actions and don't want to think that there's a higher power who holds them accountable for it. For them it would be a great relief if there was no God, or at least reminded of it constantly. I know it sounds simple, but it's either that or they're just plain stupid.


The opinions expressed in these articles may cause the reader to think, question, or beat their head against a wall (or any other object that is close by if the enraged reader is lazy as hell). The owner of these expressed opinions is not accountable for the side-effects of your thoughts, neglect to take anger management classes, or your generalized stupidity.

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